State Required Data from Horatio PS
Comprehensive School Counseling Plan
Recruitment and Retention Plan
Policies for Fiscal Operations of District
Elementary Improvement Plan including Literacy Plan
High School Improvement Plan including Literacy Plan
Parent, Family and Community Engagement Plan
Personnel Policies/Signature Page 2024-2025
Personnel Policies 2023-2024
Mental Health Awareness Week Information Elementary
Mental Health Awareness Week Information High School
Selection, Relocation, Retention and Challenging of Materials
Annual School Performance Report
Board Scheduled Meetings 2024-2025
State and Local Revenue Sources (State Aid Notice)
Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefit Expenditure Data
Financial Breakdown of Monthly Expenses 2023-2024
Financial Breakdown of Monthly Expenses 2024-2025
Salary Schedules for All Employees including Extending Contract and Supplementary Pay Amounts
Current Contract Information for all Employees
District Budget for the Current Year
Certified Personnel Policy Committee
Chair - Charlotte Izzo
Secretary - Christy George
Certified PPC Minutes
Classified Personnel Policy Committee
Chair - Benji Reeves
Secretary - Regina Royal
Classified PPC Minutes
Highly Qualified (HQ) Parent's Right-to-Know Letter
American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP ESSER)
Title XI - Tammy McAlister 870-832-1900
Homeless Liaison - Veronica Ozura 870-832-1900